A Tradition Of Giving
The Wauzhushk Onigum Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization who’s primary funding body is the Golden Eagle Charitable Bingo.
As an organization, we are committed to improving the lives of our community members and businesses in a variety of ways. Some examples of how we assist our people are:
Relief of Poverty
In some situations, we will provide support for nutritional supplementation, food, clothing, furniture, medical assistance and funeral expenses. We have also provided support in some cases for shelter, relief from domestic violence and other specific situations which we review individually.
Advancement of Education
Education is the cornerstone of advancement for community members. We provide assistance for activities that will encourage youth to stay in school, workshops that target youth issues, activities that will provide learning experiences and career advancement for youth, scholarship and bursary awards, and assistance for school-based extra curricular activites. we also fund initiatives that are community based and geared towards the passing of traditional knowledge, language preservation, and traditional teaching events.
Advancement of Culture, Heritage, and Religion
The Foundation has partnered in providing funding for charitable activities that further our culture and heritage such as cultural feasts and community Powwows. We also provide funds for the protection or improvement of our community cultural facilities.
Other Beneficial Funding
The Foundation will also fund projects that foster community relationships, healthy living, services that promote financial literacy, and organized programs that further the goals of our “Oral Traditional Law of Children”.
We will also assist in special event funding, sports and recreation activities, start up costs for fund raising initiatives, and more.
We encourage community members to read our funding pages and then apply online for assistance. You can contact us if you have any questions about your funding request or if you need help with your application.