What the Foundation will not fund
12. There are certain activities and requests that the Foundation does not fund due to funding realities or due to the nature of activities that may put the Foundation’s funding, volunteers, staff or reputation at risk. As a measure to mitigate risk, the Foundation, in addition to those types of requests already mentioned in this policy, will not fund the following:
12.1. any request that does not follow the criteria for request as set out in this policy;
12.2. emergency assistance other than those set out above at 11.2.7 of this policy;
12.3. phone bills;
12.4. car repairs;
12.5. financing of budget deficits or bridge financing;
12.6. large scale capital projects, or costs related to community infrastructure except as set out at 11.5 of this policy;
12.7. Wauzhushk Onigum Nation businesses;
12.8. trips and tours of adults;
12.9. travel or accommodation costs related to adult sports and recreation;
12.10. registration or sponsorship of golf tournaments;
12.11. any applications received after the event;
12.12. generic requests that may have been sent to various organizations (for example “to whom it may concern” letters)
12.13. research projects;
12.14. operation costs, including salaries, and administrative costs for businesses;
12.15. any type of request or application that pertains to any political party or candidate, or any type of request or application that is political in nature, including any requests made by Chief and Council, on behalf of Chief and Council or made through Chief and Council;
12.16. any type of request or application that does not follow Foundation application process, with exception of emergency assistance;
12.17. any event that promotes gaming or gambling to those under the age of 19 years;
12.18. staff appreciation and retirement activities; or
12.19. events or organizations through third-party fund-raisers.