Our Programs
You can apply for our programs 3 different ways.
Applying In Person
You can contact our office if you need help applying. Our staff can assist you with the required paperwork when you call and schedule an appointment with us. Alternatively, we have paper copies of our applications located at the Golden Eagle Charitable Bingo and at the Band Office. There are drop boxes in those locations for you to leave your application in.
Applying Online
You can use our website to submit an application for funding. The online application is sent directly to our decision makers for review and processing. This is the fastest way to apply and process your application.
Applying at a Kiosk
In July of 2015, we will be placing a kiosk at the Golden Eagle Charitable Bingo, near the front entrance and another kiosk at the band office. These kiosks will process the same applications as found on our website and send your application directly to our decision makers for review and processing. Using our kiosks is also the fastest way to apply and process your application as the application is sent immediately.
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you require assistance filling out your application.