Application review process
27. The Foundation Directors will attempt to meet on a weekly basis to consider requests for assistance or project funding or meetings will be scheduled as determined by the Foundation Directors from time to time. However, at certain times this may not be possible.
28. A quorum of Foundation Directors (two of three) must be present in order to establish and maintain business of the Foundation during review meetings.
29. Prior to the review meeting, all applications will undergo an initial screening to determine eligibility of applicants, fundable activity, supporting documentation, required signatures, past funding history, and whether the applicant is in good standing with the Foundation (e.g. reports submitted for previous funds provided to applicant by the Foundation); See Appendix A
30. At the funding review meeting of the Foundation Directors, the following process is followed for each applicant received after staff has identified values and priorities for funding and use these during the assessment process;
All Applicants will go through an assessment to determine:
• priority level for funding based on this policy and available funding.
• that the application is eligible for funding and under what policy area
• what the eligible amount of funding is for the application per policy directive
• whether the application is approved and why or refused and why? See Appendix B
30.1. Unsuccessful applicants are notified by letter or phone; and
30.2. Successful applicants are contacted by phone.