Applications to the Foundation Information
13. Application Form – all requests for funding assistance from the Foundation must use the prescribed application form and process (either hard copy or electronic version). Requests may be submitted at any time but can take four days to process. Applications will be available and accessible to membership at Golden Eagle Bingo or other locations deemed appropriate.
14. The Foundation reserves the right to have separate application forms suitable to any type of individual assistance or projects or events assistance that are eligible under this policy. Requests for assistance not on the proper form may be refused;
15. All requests for Foundation funding must go through the application process as set out in this policy. In order to maintain the Foundation’s independence and integrity, under no circumstances will any requests be considered for funding when made through the Chief and Council or individual Foundation Directors directly.
16. Supporting Documentation – supporting documentation will be dependent on the nature of the request and intended to provide proof or verification only.
17. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to provide documentation to support the request. Examples of potential supporting documentation include, but is not limited to, letter of support, registration form, and acceptance letter for education program.
18. The absence of supporting documentation may result in non-approval or deferral to the next Foundation review meeting.
19. Individual Assistance – to avoid duplication of funding, applications for Individual Assistance will be dependent on the nature of the request, be submitted by an individual with the assistance of the Ontario Works, Health Service and Education Service Provider or similar person employed by the Wauzhushk Onigum Nation or other relevant body directly to the Foundation.
20. The Foundation will have an ongoing working arrangement with the Ontario Works, Health Service and Education Service Provider or similar person employed by the Wauzhushk Onigum Nation or other relevant body. The Foundation and such persons will meet a minimum of four (4) times a year to ensure that the Foundation charitable giving process is effective and meeting the needs of the Wauzhushk Onigum Nation community.
21. Where it is not possible or feasible for an individual requesting Individual Assistance to submit an application in conjunction to any of the persons set out in section 6.8 of this policy, that individual may submit an application. However, such application will be provided by the Foundation to either Ontario Works, Health Service and Education Service Provider or similar person employed by the Wauzhushk Onigum Nation or other relevant body to ensure no duplication of funding occurs.
22. Projects, Events and Activities – all applications should be submitted no less than four (4) weeks before funds are needed in order to ensure consideration for funding. The Foundation cannot guarantee that applications received less than four (4) weeks of the event will be considered.
23. Receiving Applications – the Foundation is responsible for collecting applications deposited within Wauzhushk Onigum Foundation boxes.
24. The Foundation will ensure that a log is maintained for controlling receipt of all applications including, logging the name of applicant(s), the nature of the request, and the date collected.
25. The Foundation will ensure that all applications will receive an acknowledgement for their application at the end of the application review process.
26. The Foundation does not guarantee funding of an application.